Understanding personally the frustration and worry that surrounds the wait time associated with getting treatments for cancer, I contacted Savannah's Memorial University Hospital's
Anderson Cancer Institute about an idea I had. I know the therapeutic qualities that weaving brings. When sitting at the loom you become focused on the task at hand and all other thoughts and worries disappear. My idea was to bring a simple loom to the lobby of the cancer center and set it up so that it can be a distraction and something that people can either weave on themselves or watch me weave. The goal is to create banners that will hang from the railing of the balcony incorporating patient and caregivers hopes. The Social Worker and Patient Care Advocates were very excited about the possibility of this program that I call, Weaving Hope.

Weaving HOPE is now well underway having started just before Thanksgiving. I am set up in the lobby every Wednesday morning. The Fiber Guild of the Savannahs has lent
one of their small portable Dorset looms for the project and we are able to keep it and donated yarns and fibers in the hospital storage room. We will reevaluate the project in 6 months and hopefully renew it. I warped the loom with 16 yards of black carpet warp to weave several
long banners.
Patients and caregivers are encouraged to write their hopes on slips
of colorful cardstock which is then woven into the weaving. Several
people have generously donated a variety of colors and fibers to add to
the weaving. Patients and caregivers are welcome to try weaving
themselves to provide a diversion from the stress of waiting.
"Weaving Hope" may develop into meeting with groups of teens and support groups and even cancer survivor family celebrations that the hospital organizes.
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