Thursday, January 3, 2013


Well... There ya have it...I feel blessed! My oldest daughter Kristin and I had a nice chat about the word after she proclaimed that she felt "blessed". I told her that word was used a lot in the South and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I kind of feel a bit pretentious when I use it... But by her definition it's much more than "lucky" or "fortunate" and definitely has a spiritual component to it... And by that definition yes... I too, FEEL BLESSED!

I've been rather silent for months now. A lot has happened... Some great... Some not so great, but... I AM truly blessed: I have a sexy husband who continually makes me feel loved, four fantastic children with four amazing significant others, four adorable grandchildren, a wonderful family, supportive and nurturing friends, my fiber art which enriches my soul, a summer home on our sailboat on Lake Champlain, our beloved new city of Savannah that fills me with joy as I am able to walk the beaches at Tybee and under the spreading live oaks dripping with Spanish moss downtown, and my bike rides on windy trails through tall Southern pines and Palmettos.... and this is only part of what makes me feel blessed!

Last April I had news that rocked my world for a bit... But I refused to let negative thoughts rule the day. What I thought was a sore on my tongue due to biting it.. turned out to be squamous cancer on the left side of my tongue. Several doctor visits later we decided on a course of action... Quoting my rather young but very competent radiologist ... I decided to have my wonderfully talented ENT surgeon "whack it off"... and if necessary, Dr Doogie Howser would "mop it up later" if necessary. Surgery was scheduled for May 5... A mere 3 weeks from the discovery by biopsy of the cancer. I'm happy to report that I'm healed! Dr R was able to cut off enough of the side of my tongue that the edges were cancer free.. And so far so good... No recurrence!... And no radiation needed, which made last summer on the lake glorious! Taste has returned and numbness is almost gone... And LIFE IS GOOD. I am BLESSED!

I hope that the 2013 brings you and your family and friends many blessings. I will do my best to be more prudent in updating by blog. I'll add some collages I made of my Christmas knitting projects... 2 stuffed animals, 2 fingerless arm war,wars, 3 pairs of socks, 2 fair isle hats and a long cozy cowl.I've also been busy weaving... But more about that in a future post.


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