Part of what is fun about being part of a guild is the opportunity to learn new things about your craft and to share with others. This year I have the honor of being co-president of the Fiber Guild of the Savannahs (yes, that is not a typo - savannahs are grassy plains in tropical and subtropical regions with few trees and what Savannah, GA was named for - thus the Savannahs refers to the surrounding area including the neighboring low country of South Carolina... PHEW! - I know, more information than you needed... sorry...)
In addition to our regular Fiber Guild of about 30 members, we have an active group of about half a dozen who meet twice a month to SPIN - the first Monday at downtown's Wild Fibres and the third Tuesday at Unwind in suburban Savannah. Several of us are also weavers and wanted to get a weaving group started. The idea of a study group evolved and last summer it was decided that we would set up enough warp for 6 hand towels with different weave structures and we would either move the looms from weaver to weaver or go to weave at the loom owners home to complete a hand towel from each weave structure.
My first study group towel was woven on an overshot draft warped by new weaver Anastasia on a directly tied up 4 shaft Dorset loom. I will take a photo my finished overshot towel and mount it soon.
Because I wove off the last of the warp it was my turn to thread it in a new pattern. I wanted to do a block weave on my 8 shaft loom but it is not very portable and the Dorset was open, so I designed a summer and winter striped warp that creates blocks as I weave. I ordered unmercerized 8/2 cotton from WEBS for both warp, pattern weft and tabby weft in natural, light green, dark green, dark brown and burgundy the colors of my living room, dining room, sunroom and kitchen. I have just started but have some photos to share and promise to add the finished towel soon.